Mitigating the Risks of Extreme Weather Through Clean Energy: A Solar Series Part 1: Heat Waves & Wildfires

Our world is changing, and with it, our energy needs are evolving. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, 100% of people living in the United States have faced an extreme weather alert since May 1. 62% of those alerts warn people of extreme heat, along with signaling a shift in climate.  As we face new challenges in our climate and environment, innovative solutions are emerging to help us adapt and thrive. Enter rooftop and local solar. Local solar is a smart, sustainable approach to energy that’s not only helping us meet our current needs but also building stronger, more resilient communities for the future.

Local solar represents an exciting shift in how we can think about energy production. These systems bring power closer to home, quite literally!

Fluidity of Local Solar

  • Local solar power can create energy right where it is needed
  • Solar is flexible. It can be implemented at various scales, from individual residences to entire communities.
  • Solar is adaptable.  It can work within the current energy system or operate independently.

This decentralized approach makes our power systems more flexible and resilient, ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Keeping Cool: Local Solar and Summer Heat

Each summer is getting warmer, and our energy needs for cooling are growing. Traditional energy systems often struggle during heat waves, leading to blackouts at times when cooling is the most crucial. Insufficient energy access, or energy poverty, can occur for various reasons like high energy bills or inefficient cooling appliances. Low-wealth communities with seniors tend to face this issue the most, struggling with the inability to cool their homes during heat waves or keep the power on for medical devices. This is where local solar can help, offering innovative solutions that not only keep us safe and comfortable, but also promote energy efficiency and system reliability.

Local solar is transforming how we approach cooling in both residential and commercial buildings. From solar-powered air conditioning to community-wide microgrids, local solar ushers in a new era of sustainability. Let’s take a look at the ways local solar helps us beat the heat:

  • Efficient cooling: Energy-efficient heat pumps, powered by solar, can cool homes while reducing overall energy demand
  • Smart energy use: Battery storage systems can store extra solar energy during the day for use during peak evening hours
  • Community power: Local solar and battery storage can support critical facilities like cooling centers, ensuring everyone stays comfortable during hot days

The bottom line, local solar solutions can reduce the chance that communities end up without air conditioning during extreme heat waves, keeping our homes and our families safe. 

Powering Through: Local Solar and Wildfire Season

Wildfire seasons also present a specific challenge to the current power infrastructure. Traditional power lines can be both vulnerable to wildfires and also potential ignition sources, leading utilities to sometimes implement precautionary power shutoffs in high-risk areas. This can leave communities without power at times when they need it most. Local solar can be a promising alternative, providing resilient power solutions that can operate independently of the main energy system.

Local solar is about empowering communities to stay safe, informed, and operational in extreme weather events. From powering essential services to supporting firefighting efforts, local solar provides a versatile tool in wildfire preparedness and response:

  • Independently operated: local solar can operate separately from the main grid, maintaining power even in challenging conditions 
  • Reduced fire risk: local energy production decreases reliance on long-distance power lines
  • Flexible support: Mobile solar and storage units can be quickly deployed to support emergency services and community centers

The Road Ahead: Letting Solar Bring a Bright Future

Local solar is a pathway to a more sustainable and empowered future, providing communities the agency to stay stable during dangerous weather. The benefits reach far and wide: cleaner energy, safer homes, energy independence, economic benefits, and a more modern and equitable energy system. 

In order to fully unlock the potential of local solar, we need policies that support it, along with continued technological innovation and contributions from community members to make sure these programs are implemented robustly and equitably.

Exploring Hurricane Resilience with Local Solar: Stay tuned for our upcoming extreme weather blog, where we will explore how local solar can support communities during and after hurricanes. Local solar and storage can play a crucial role in strengthening communities’ resilience against these powerful storms. We will discover how communities can recover faster and rebuild better with the help of clean and reliable energy.

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