About Us

The Vote Solar team at our 2024 retreat

Vote Solar fights for a 100% clean energy future that puts the interests, health and well-being of people at its center.

Our Mission

Our mission is to realize a 100% clean energy future through a solutions-driven, people-first approach.

Our Vision

We are working for a 100% clean powered future that supports the needs, health and well-being of everyone in the U.S. — with solar energy leading the way.

We focus on solar energy because it’s plentiful, it’s popular, and it has a unique ability to shift power (literally and figuratively) over energy decision-making to real people, who overwhelmingly support a rapid transition to clean energy.

Founded in 2002, Vote Solar advocates for clean energy in legislative and regulatory arenas at the state level, where most decisions about electricity are made. Despite powerful opposition, we use a winning combination of deep policy expertise, coalition building, and public engagement to get the job done.

Why Solar? Learn more about why solar is a powerful solution to our urgent challenges, from driving energy justice to building a local clean energy economy to acting on the climate crisis.

More About Vote Solar

Meet the Team

Learn more about our staff, Board of Directors, and Leadership Council.

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