Florida Postcards: Bungled Solar Rebate Program

Florida manatee in beautiful blue water

FPL mismanaged the state’s rooftop solar rebate program to the point that state regulators recently voted to end the program because it wasn’t cost-efficient. The utility-run program left thousands of home and business owners unpaid and incongruously increased incentives over time as solar prices declined. As a final nail in the coffin, in its final year, two computer glitches in as many weeks wreaked havoc on the system and left many applicants angry. FPL’s anti-solar actions may be a sign of what’s to come in Hawaii if the HECO acquisition is approved.

It’s high time for a smart rebate program that so that consumers can invest with confidence in solar power, while at the same time putting the local solar industry on a growth path to zero state incentives. NextEra should show Hawaii that it’s ready to lead on solar by building that kind of strong, self-sustaining new energy economy in Florida once and for all.

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