Weatherization Assistance Program Recommended Changes

Vote Solar joined with the Solar Access for All Coalition to recommend changes to the Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program that could greatly reduce the energy burdens of tens of thousands of families.
The Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is the oldest and only annual DOE program dedicated to serving low-income households. High energy burdens faced by low-income communities lead to energy insecurity with millions facing power shut-offs each year.
Through WAP, we can bring renewed investment in the homes of families that need support the most, greatly reducing the energy burdens of tens of thousands of families through solar and energy efficiency. WAP could become a cornerstone of the Justice40 effort to bring 40% of clean energy spending to underserved communities.
Download the Solar Access for All report on the Weatherization Assistance Program »
The Solar Access for All Coalition is a group of environmental and social justice organizations and distributed solar companies aiming to advance federal policy priorities to meet the Biden-Harris Administration’s climate and equity goals: Building a more equitable, reslient, and clean electricity grid and economy that works for all Americans.
Coalition members who sponsored this report include: Coalition for Community Solar Access, Earthjustice, GRID Alternatives, Green Latinos, Hispanic Federation, League of United Latin American Citizens, Solar United Neighbors Action, Tribal Utility and Energy Infrastructure Legislation for Indigenous People, and Vote Solar.