Michigan Solar Celebration

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Yes, I’m In I believe in 100% clean energy and solar for all!

Demand local action for solar rights and energy justice

Did you know? Most decisions about your energy are made at the state level — like whether you can go solar at home, and how much your utilities can charge you for electricity.

Vote Solar drives action across the U.S. We help you hold your elected leaders and energy regulators accountable, and speak out for a just, equitable and resilient transition to clean energy.

Working in partnership, we’ve achieved big wins for solar progress since 2002. Right now, our team works in over 25 states in every part of the U.S. We also drive action on national issues like utility debt relief for underserved families, and tax credits that help homeowners save with solar. Help us grow the fight for 100% clean energy for all.

Solar in Your State

Real, lasting change happens at the local level. Check to see how you can make a difference in your state.

Latest Actions

Give the Gift of Solar

Together, we can reach 100% clean energy for all. We need you in this fight to help more communities save with solar across the U.S. Your generous contribution will power our work forward.

Chispa Arizona workshop


Building Power for Resilient Communities

NJ energy equity workshop


Just Partnership Principles

Solar panel, photovoltaic, alternative electricity source - concept of sustainable resources

Other Ways to Give

Check out all the ways you can make an impact.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT Sign up for updates from Vote Solar on solar progress and energy justice across the U.S.