
A Bright Future for Connecticut

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A better path forward for utility regulation in Connecticut

To achieve a resilient, equitable energy system that works for everybody, we need collective action and cooperation from ratepayers, regulators, and providers. But current utility business models in Connecticut are at odds with what’s best for you — reliable, low-cost, clean energy to power your life.

Right now, Connecticut utility regulators are exploring how to adopt performance-based regulation (PBR). PBR is a set of tools that other states are using successfully to regulate our utilities for a clean and equitable future.

Our coalition is here to help you understand what PBR is and how it works, and support you to raise your voice when regulators invite public input.

This is a critical opportunity for you to help to build a utility system that works for everyone in the Nutmeg State. Sign up to get updates on when you can speak out for the energy future you want for Connecticut.

What is performance-based regulation (PBR)?

Performance-based regulation is an alternative way for investor-owned utilities to earn a profit. Right now, utilities are compensated based on their investments. With PBR, they’d be compensated based on how well they perform in our best interest.

In short, PBR is a set of tools with the potential to realign two goals that have been drifting further apart in recent decades — your desire for reliable and affordable energy and the utilities’ desire to turn a profit.

Why is PBR important to Connecticut?

The Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) is the state agency that regulates investor-owned utilities, including electric utilities. Part of PURA’s regulatory responsibilities includes reviewing how customers pay for electricity, and how much they’re charged.

In the fall of 2020, Public Act 20-5 was signed into law, requiring PURA to investigate, develop, and adopt a framework for performance-based regulation in the state. PURA formally opened those discussions in summer 2021 — and that’s where you come in! There’s a unique opportunity to make equity and energy justice core components of a PBR structure and build a utility system that works for everyone, but public input will be critical in making that a reality. Our goal is to engage a broad array of Connecticut residents to ensure that a PBR framework meets our needs.

WATCH: What is PBR and how can it help?

Take a deeper dive into how we can transform utility regulation to advance energy equity and protect the public interest. Learn about PBR and how it can help move Connecticut forward to a resilient, equitable energy system that works for everybody.

Connecticut State House


Visit our resource library for the latest news and educational content on performance-based regulation in Connecticut.

Stay informed

Read the timeline and process for Docket Number 21-05-15.

Coalition Partners

Acadia Center Conservation Law Foundation
Operation Fuel Save the Sound
Vote Solar

How can I learn more?

Regulatory proceedings can be formal and difficult to understand. We hope this website serves as a useful resource for anyone interested in getting involved or sharing their opinion on how Connecticut’s electric utilities are operating. We also encourage you to visit our resource library, where we’re compiling the latest news and educational content on performance-based regulation in Connecticut.

For more information, contact Nathan Phelps or fill out this form.

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